Family Membership


Family Membership can include You/Spouse and children under 18. For singles 18 & older, choose Individual Membership. NO MEMBERSHIPS OFFERED TO CORPORATIONS. Membership may be paid for securely online via PayPal* or by check. *You DO NOT need a PayPal account to use PayPal to make your payment online. If paying by check, please make payable to: MAINE ASSOCIATION OF LIVESTOCK EXHIBITORS (MALE) And mail to: M.A.L.E. C/O Kathleen Pride 830 Cape Road Limington, ME 04049 Please fill out as accurately as possible. Incomplete or cryptic information may cause processing delays. Memberships are not valid until Approved and Paid in full. We will be in touch shortly (within 2-3 working days) after processing your application. For more information: [email protected]


Membership Year Applying For:

Membership runs from July 1st to June 30th. Please select the year you are applying for:

Membership Type *

Contact Information *

Please include your contact information. This can vary from your billing information. For Family memberships, all mail is sent to the primary member.


Additional Family Members

List all children under the age of 18. PLEASE NOTE: Ages 18 and over MUST have own INDIVIDUAL membership.

More Family Members?

Additional Information

Animals Shown

Please list all animals to be shown and separate with commas below. FOR EXAMPLE: Beef, Dairy, Show Steers, Sheep, Swine, Equine, Poultry etc.

Certification of Accuracy *



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